
Send me some Love

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
24 August, 2012

Oh So Grateful

This week I'm grateful for

- Chocolate {oh how you've helped me through}
- Chiropractor Workshop {cancer prevention really made me appreciate life}
- Husband {you are my rock through & through}
- Being an Auntie {3 more times this year & next year lucky me!!}
- Real Living {so full of inspiration}
- Dreams {for coming true! Stay tuned}
- Grandparents {I really appreciate still having you all in my life}
- My inlaws & friends {I love catching up more than you know!}
- Feedback Cards {honestly how lovely is it to read something positive gives you a buzz all day!}

What are you grateful for? I love reading new ones!

Have a good weekend :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Steph, read your blog and I'm grateful for a loving husband, 4 healthy children whom I love dearly, 2 daughter-in-laws and 1son-in- law who are welcome additions to our family, 5 grandchildren + 2 on the way who make us smile every day!!!!! Luv Mum xx

Tat said...

I re-discovered hot chocolate this week. I hadn't had it in years and now I am struggling to understnad why.

Elisa {With Grace and Eve} said...

I am oh-so grateful for my chiropractor too :) but mostly grateful for sunshine and and a long walk soaking it in this week! Look forward to reading about your dreams come true x