
Send me some Love

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
02 August, 2012

Fat Day or Best Day

Sometimes the support you need is the good old fashion Truth, without the truth you will keep living your life oblivious to how much better it can be.

I had a bad day yesterday it was a "fat day" one of those realizing days that you were so much skinnier when you met your future husband and then four and half years later you realize you were so comfortable, happy and oh so inlove.

Husband let me have a 5minute cry to get it all out of my system and told me to stop feeling sorry for myself because I only can change my life, I guess he is after all a little wise...

Husband told me to grab all the cordial and juice in the house and pour it down the sink it kinda felt good...

So here I am Day One for the first time in four and half years I had a proper breakfast, wheat bix without sugar and it wasn't so bad! I think I can do this!

For lunch I made myself a salad with lamb and carrot sticks and a few almonds for snacks.

Husband is buying me scales and a juicer for me next week so if I'm brave enough I will share my starting weight and goals next week.

I guess yesterday was truly the best day for me if we don't hit rock bottom then we can never appreciate what it truly feels like to be at the top!


Anonymous said...

Good girl Stephy you can do it! We're all here for you :-) Love you lots. Xoxoxoxo

<3 Bec xx