
Send me some Love

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
24 June, 2012

New Photo Apps!

I got a few new apps last night and wanted to share some pictures I think I'm a little obsessed! I especially love the one of my Nan and Pop they are just so cute together I hope Dave and I are at least half as cute as they are in 60years!!


Kate @ Our Little Sins said...

How good are photography apps!? I have an Android phone and love one called Pixlr-o-matic. I'm sure it must be available for iPhone too.

Where's your contact page!? I wanted to reply to your comment. I got the Pantone postcards from a cute little shop in Daylesford (Vic), but you can get them from Book Depository for about $20 and no shipping cost.

kate x

Unknown said...

Ill check it out I can't believe how good the apps are feels like I took the pics on my Nikon! Thanks I'll check that app out I'm sure the iPhone will have it. I'm new to blogger so trying to get the hang of things is the contact page a gadget I have to add? I only just discovered them haha

I'll look it up for the postcards I love them as birthday postcards!