
Send me some Love

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
14 January, 2013

Its possible to miss mundane tasks!

Life gets so busy sometimes I kinda miss the everyday mundane tasks... washing clothes, baking, Pinterest, (yes I class that as a daily task) catching up on blog posts. It feels good to accomplish a days worth of simple tasks and at the end relax with a good coffee and watch trash on tv! I am really looking forward to spending a day off with the Hubby tomorrow too! we haven't had many Date days in a while... I miss writing about them ALOT. Our project number 2 has come along nicely we are just waiting for a couple of last minute things in the post from america hopefully they arrive in the next couple of weeks yay! Have I ever told you how much I love AMAZON they are so reliable and if your like me and forget about the money exchange you get a nice surprise when its converted into Australia dollars and you get to pay less haha I sure do love a good bargain. I'm looking forward to showing you the final pictures of our little budget makeover. I hope my sister enjoys it as she will be our first visitor at the end of Feb we better get top marks haha.

Here is a couple of sneak peek pictures of the Guest Bathroom accessories and ideas but thats all your getting!