
Send me some Love

made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou
24 December, 2012

Another year over a new one to begin!

Another year is coming to an end and what a year it has been full of ups and downs. The downs have been bitter sweet always making me truly appreciate and be grateful for who and what I have in my life. The highlight of my year was walking down the aisle to marry my best friend Dave he has been a solid rock in my life a delight to be around and what an amazing Husband he grew into I am definitely blessed to have Dave in my life everyday I sure do love you bucket loads and more! My family has been another huge support this year we grew even closer and stronger together always there for the good and the bad situations that arise in all of our lives I love them all so much and have all the time in the world for them.
Christmas is so close and I am excited to spend the whole day with my inlaws they are such a fun, loving bunch and I adore hanging out with them its going to be a great christmas! 
Next year is going to be bigger and better full of love and laughter I am looking forward to our one year wedding anniversary! My niece Mackenzie to be born! my sister inlaws long awaited baby to be born! my brother inlaws wedding in Bali, my dream career change with studying starting in march wahoo!! spending time with my friends, seeing my family in Feb and in Dec for christmas at my place! Most of all the little things I love to do in life...

One thing I want to learn next year is: How to use my sewing machine properly! 
One thing I want to accomplish next year: Throw my own dinner party for my friends. 
One thing I want to do consistently next year: Blogging! I love to write and actually want to dedicate a bit more time to my blog for my family, friends and all of you! 

Thankyou so much for reading all my posts, leaving me comments and giving me your time of day. I hope you all have a great christmas with your family & friends and a very happy new year and fresh start to 2013 see you next year!! 

Love Always,